Being unable to produce our events and see everybody in person has made us nostalgic for the last 10+ years we've had together!
While we know we will be back together eventually (and planning and preparing for real, in-person events remains our focus), we've also been impressed with the creative ways we've seen runners staying active. Virtual runs, including teams formed and sharing their experiences, have been great to see on social media. And they've shown us that even if we aren't physically together, the community is still strong.
For those enjoying these activities, and to help keep this positivity going (and also to add a little support for keeping Brazen Racing going during the shutdown), we've come up with something we've never done before.
Since 2009 we've put on over 250 events. After each race we've tried to save a couple of medals, just to preserve a little of the Brazen history. Up until now, we've had them locked away. We never knew what we would end up doing with them.
But now we've pulled out one (and just one) medal from each race we've ever done and we're creating the Brazen "Retro Remote" for May 16th.
Those participating will have the opportunity to choose which one of those medals they want to get mailed for their virtual race package. Every medal sent out as part of this event will be unique and the medals are available on a first-come/first-serve basis.
If you want to know what each medal looks like, you'll have to do some searching around as even we're not sure where/if pictures exist for every single one! Or you can just pick an event medal from a certain year and be surprised.
Distances include 5K, 10K, half marathon, marathon, 30K and 50K -- all the distances we normally offer during the year. These can all be done solo or as a team. They can also be done cumulative -- run 10K five times to get your solo 50K done! The goal is to at least start your run by May 16th, but there are no strict rules here. We're just trying to celebrate the good times we've had and the good times to come!
If you are on Facebook, you can join the Be Bold Be Brazen page to post up pictures or results from your run (maybe even show us your one-of-a-kind-for-this-event medal) or you can post results on our Strava page or even e-mail in. It's all optional, but the more pictures and results, the more happiness gets spread around!
In addition to their medal, Retro Remote registrants will also be mailed a special bib, just for this event, a retro race shirt (either a shirt from a past race or one of our other shirts from our Brazen merchandise), and many will find themselves receiving additional fun stuff like Brazen sunglasses and Brazen headwear and stickers.
Teams are encouraged, but solo efforts are also welcome!