It's going to be a wild day!
All courses include challenging (but view-rewarding) hills to go up and down. We recommend walking the up-hill sections and saving your energy for the flat and downs! Except for the start/finish on a grassy field and a couple of small paved sections (less than 10%), the courses run on fire trails (with a section of single track for the Half Marathon).

7:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:15 AM
8:30 AM
For half marathon participants who wish to hike the course and take more than 4.5 hours, we will offer a "Hiker Division" start at 7:00 am. Those starting at 7:00 should carry water as the first and second aid stations might not be 100% up and running, depending on the hikers speed. Hiker starts will not be eligible to win the race or for age group awards, but will be listed as official finishers in the Hiker Division and will still receive finisher medals.
All courses include challenging (but view-rewarding) hills to go up and down. We recommend walking the up-hill sections and saving your energy for the flat and downs! Except for the start/finish on a grassy field and a couple of small paved sections (less than 10%), the courses run on fire trails (with a section of single track for the Half Marathon).
Half marathoners must stay on pace to finish their race by 12:30 pm and must reach the fourth aid station (mile 9.73) by 11:20 am. This is a 20+ minute per-mile pace.
(Click on maps to view details.)
All participants will receive a copy of their appropriate course map on race day.
Each course will be marked with colored ribbons, signs and flour, so that runners know they are on the correct course. As can be seen in the course map link above, with the exception of the out-and-back section of the 5K, there are no sections where runners will be going in the opposite directions of other runners, making the course extremely straightforward and easy to follow. Volunteers will also be on the course at key locations to help direct runners.
Want to follow the course with your phone or smart watch and know how to work with GPX files? You can do that by uploading the race course GPX file (created with "Ride With GPS") into your favorite app. GPX files are on the course map.
Important Note: We recommend right-clicking and choosing "save as" to download.
Water stations will be stocked with water, sports drink, gels, pretzels, candy, etc.
Stations on course:
5K: 1
10K: 2
1/2 Marathon: 4
Water station locations are shown on maps above. Those needing water more frequently are encouraged to carry a water bottle or hydration pack.

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